Greetings, dearly loved of the Lord! We are so excited that you are visiting our page. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit would greatly encourage your heart today as you look around. You are God’s treasure, His very best. We invite you to join with us on the amazing adventure of getting to know His heart. The stories told here are with that end in mind.
Arimborgo Ministries exists that God’s love that surpasses knowledge would every day penetrate deeper into the heart of the Amazon Jungle. Through church planting, pastors’ training, mentoring and discipleship, youth ministry, child sponsorship, and outreach to broken families through affordable education, we are endeavoring, by His power and as He leads, to make Him known in this uttermost corner of the earth. We are centered in Iquitos, Peru and our network spreads out all over the jungle.
May the joy and peace of the Lord fill you to overflowing today. Thank you so much for spending some time with us!
In His breathtaking grace,
Pastors Israel and Jennifer Arimborgo
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